Many high schools throughout the country have started to take extreme and varied measures to ensure drugs are kept out of the schools. Some different yet controversial drug prevention methods include:
At more than 100 high schools in Eastern Massachusetts, drug-sniffing dogs are brought in every year to search for everything from alcohol to marijuana.
In Quincy, MA video cameras follow students in the hallways while plainclothes security guards stay alert for drug activity.
At Westford Academy in Westford, MA the principal decided to add a full time police officer to the staff.
Newton North High School in Newton, MA feels that counseling is the best way to rid the school of drugs. The school has on staff a social worker acting as the school’s prevention and intervention counselor. This person offers several group therapy sessions for students including for youths who are struggling with alcohol and drugs.
All of these schools have a common goal of preventing drug use. Which methods do you think are best and which do you think are going too far? Share your comments.