Now that schools are closed and a number of employees are working from home amid the coronavirus outbreak, people need to practice the concept of social distancing. It is the only thing that is going to immediately address the situation that we’re experiencing here in the United States. Y3K Tutor In Your Home asks all families to help flatten the curve. This means to spread out the impact of the virus over time instead of allowing it to spike as we’ve seen in Italy, for example, where the number of confirmed cases increased rapidly. A spike could overwhelm our health care system, even here in the United States.
Unfortunately there can be no play dates for your children, because you don’t know what the other child has been exposed to and might be bringing into your house, where it could be passed on. Avoid large public gatherings or venues where many people congregate such as malls. Social distancing is a way to protect yourself from contagious diseases, including the flu, the common cold or coronavirus (COVID-19). It involves maintaining at least a six-foot distance from other people, getting away from anyone who’s coughing or sneezing, avoiding shaking hands and using technology to meet instead of meeting in person when possible. As a nation we can work together and get it done!