Scoring Guides for MCAS English Language Arts Composition
Below is the official MCAS English Language Arts Composition scoring rubric. For help passing this MCAS English writing test, contact Y3K Tutor In Your Home today! We have helped many students receive high scores on these writing prompts.
Student compositions that do not address the writing prompt will be deemed non-scorable, earning them a 0 out of a possible 12 points for topic development and 0 out of a possible 8 points for standard English conventions.
Scoring Guide for Topic/Idea Development
Score Description
Rich topic/idea development
Careful and/or subtle organization
Effective/rich use of language
Full topic/idea development
Logical organization
Strong details
Appropriate use of language
Moderate topic/idea development and organization
Adequate, relevant details
Some variety in language
Rudimentary topic/idea development and/or organization
Basic supporting details
Simplistic language
Limited or weak topic/idea development, organization, and/or details
Limited awareness of audience and/or task
Little topic/idea development, organization, and/or details
Little or no awareness of audience and/or task
Scoring Guide for Standard English Conventions
Score Description
Control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics (length and complexity of essay provide opportunity for student to show control of standard English conventions)
Errors do not interfere with communication and/or
Few errors relative to length of essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics
Errors interfere somewhat with communication and/or
Too many errors relative to the length of the essay or complexity of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics
Errors seriously interfere with communication AND
Little control of sentence structure, grammar and usage, and mechanics