Do not allow your student to lose all the gains they worked so hard to achieve this past school year.
Summer tutoring with Y3K Tutor In Your Home will allow your child to be ready for school on day 1.
Call now!
By Y3K
Do not allow your student to lose all the gains they worked so hard to achieve this past school year.
Summer tutoring with Y3K Tutor In Your Home will allow your child to be ready for school on day 1.
Call now!
By Y3K
Review current events in the news.
By Y3K
. . . one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
By Y3K
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands . . .
By Y3K
Create a family newspaper, complete with articles and pictures that outline key events of the week.
By Y3K
Create a simple allowance system by giving your child tasks to earn money. Use the saving and spending of money to work on math concepts. This includes addition, subtraction, money values and making change.
By Y3K
Take advantage of the upcoming presidential election by exploring the election process in America.
By Y3K
The summer is the best time to catch up on anything that your student was behind in school. Without the distractions of additional subjects and assignments, your Y3K Tutor In Your Home tutor can focus directly on the issues and have your child ready for school where they should be on day one! When schoolwork goes the wrong way, call Y3K Tutor In Your Home today!
By Y3K
When cooking, review the different units of measure and fractions.
By Y3K
Take trips to local historical societies.
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