Here are some local Y3K Tutor In Your Home communities average property tax bill and their % increase in property taxes from 2004 – 2014.
Brookline: $13,954 per year 41.6% increase
Dover: $13,245 per year 57.5% increase
Natick: $6,459 per year 57.2% increase
Needham: $8,765 per year 67.2% increase
Weston: $17,832 per year 58.7% increase
Wayland: $10,974 per year 44.5% increase
Wellesley: $12,469 per year 70.3% increase
Newton: $9,907 per year 45% increase
Sudbury: $11,544 per year 43.9% increase
The next time your town asks you to raise your taxes to pay for another school project, tell them “NO”. Tell them to cut out waste and reduce administrator salaries.
Tomorrow we will look at how and why senior citizens are forced to move or starve to pay for always increasing school projects.