Teach your children to think big thoughts but relish the small pleasures.
How To Measure People
Have your kids learn to measure people by the size of their hearts and not the size of their bank accounts.
Knowlege & Fear
The more you know, the less you fear.
Personal Responsibility
He who is shipwrecked for the second time cannot lay blame on Poseidon.
Real Friend
A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
Sometimes the majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.
Does Your Child Really HATE School?
It is estimated that only 5 – 10% of kids legitimately hate school. They may not always like the work they must do, but they usually find something about school they enjoy. Usually students enjoy the social camaraderie with their peers. Think back to your school days and usually your best memories are the social interactions you had. It is usually a sign of a much larger problem when a child absolutely hates everything about school. If your child really hates school over a long period of time, it could be because of one of the following reasons to be addressed here over the next 5 Y3K Tutor In Your Home Blog posts.
Cold vs Flu
Here is how to tell the difference between a cold and the flu:
Gradual onset of symptoms
No fever
Slight body aches
Headache uncommon
Runny nose, sneezing
Sore throat common
Hacking cough
Sudden onset of symptoms
High fever
Often severe body aches
Headache common
Sometimes runny nose, no sneezing
Sore throat uncommon
Dry cough
Executive Function Tutor
D. H. from Weston, MA asks, “What is executive function?”
This is a common question that we get asked a lot. As a child’s brain matures, they are able to perform higher level tasks. These high level tasks are referred to as executive function. Think of executive function as the role of a Chief Executive Officer in a company. She or he must analyze what the company needs to have done, develop a plan, identify the order these tasks must be done, make mid-course corrections as needed, and complete the job by the deadline. Someone with executive function problems may have difficulty doing any of the following:
Analyze a task
Plan how to address the task
Organize the steps needed to carry out the task
Develop timelines for completing the task
Adjust or shift these plans as needed
Compete the task in a timely way
Executive function issues in school can be devastating. If your child starts long term assignments at the last minute, loses papers, has loose papers everywhere, forgets to do homework, forgets to hand in completed homework, has difficulty with math word problems, has trouble starting and organizing English writing assignments, or studies for tests at the last minute then there may be executive function issues.
Y3K Tutor In Your Home helps many students with executive function learn how to become successful and attain high grades. Contact us if we can be of any assistance.
Behavior Issues Trick
You can teach kids with behavior issues how others feel by role playing appropriate/inappropriate conduct. Try reversing roles and analyze together.