Help your child break down homework into sections so it is not so overwhelming.
Suicide & Adolescents
The second leading cause of death among adolescents in the United States according to a 2012 study is suicide. Nearly 16% of adolescents in the United States reported seriously considering suicide in a 2011 study. Suicidal thinking is a symptom of depression. If you suspect your child may be suffering from depression, seek out help right away.
Biology Class Dissection Anxiety
As students return to biology classes, many feel anxiety over being forced to dissect animals. If this is an issue for your child, we suggest the following:
1. See if your state protects your right to choose alternatives.
2. After finding out about their rights to opt-out of dissections, have your student talk with their teacher about the curriculum during the first few weeks of school. Have them ask the teacher about any planned dissection labs and if they will use animals and/or offer alternatives.
3. If they do want to opt-out, now is the best time to let teachers know that they will be choosing dissection alternatives so the teacher will have the opportunity to plan accordingly.
How You Say and What You Say
Teach your children that how you say something is as important as what you say.
Asperger’s & Autism Friendly Movie Theaters
Movie theaters around the country are now welcoming Asperger’s and autistic customers. Traditionally movie theaters can be over-stimulating and confining for people with Asperger’s and autism. These Asperger’s and autism inviting movie theaters schedule monthly sensory-friendly movie showings. During these showings the lights stay on and the sound stays low.
Courage and Fear
Courage is the mastery of fear. It is not the absence of fear.
Problem To Look For When Kids Hate School #5: Anxiety
ANXIETY– Some young children are afraid to be separated from their parents.
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
Study Results: Breathing Difficulties and Sleep
A British study was conducted on March 2012 where 8,000 parents with children ages 7 and under were investigated. The study found that children who snored or had other breathing difficulties during sleep were 50% more likely to have behavioral issues such as hyperactivity, temper tantrums, or anxiety.
Stress Tip
Stress balls are great for calming a student and allowing them to re-focus.