If a student lives in two separate homes due to their parents being divorced, sometimes the moving back and forth can cause problems completing assignments. Sometimes children will leave textbooks at one house and forget to take them to the other parent’s house. A solution to this problem is to ask the school if your student can receive 2 copies of each book (1 for each home). This creates a lot less stress for the child and they will always have the resources they need at both homes.
How to Avoid Divorce
Divorce can devastate children and sometimes may be avoided. Scientists asked both men and women why they argue with their spouses. Of the list of reasons each group gave, both sides cited “money” the most. Parents can cut down on financial conflicts by dividing money into three accounts: “yours”, “mine”, and “ours”. Another way parents can avoid fights and possibly prevent divorce is to hold quarterly meetings to discuss finances. Additionally, some parents also find that signing a prenuptial agreement prior to getting married can make the financial side of things a little bit easier. Although prenups might not sound particularly glamorous or romantic, they can make it much easier to divide assets fairly during a divorce.
Dads & Daughters
Research shows that girls delay the onset of sexual activity if they have a close relationship with their father.
Fathers Are Important
Involved fathers produce greater sociability and confidence in both daughters and sons.
What Children Want The Most From Parents
Do you think you know what children want the most from their parents? Toys? Vacations? Money? Time together? Surveys show that children want for their parents to be less tired and stressed. This response beat out spending more time with their parents and wanting a bigger allowance. If you can reduce your stress and exhaustion, you may improve your relationship with your children.
Do not accept unacceptable behavior.
Divorce and Children
It is hurtful when one parent says bad things about the other in front of a child. Divorce can be rough but remain positive. Remember no matter how you feel, children want to love both parents.
Divorce and Academics
A divorce can affect all aspects of a student’s life including academics. Even if separated and at odds, BOTH parents must insist on maintaining high academic standards.
When parents divorce, the children always suffer. Explain to your kids that both parents love them and that it isn’t their fault.