When a high school student gets an MCAS score for the English or Math test between 220 and 238, an Educational Proficiency Plan (EPP) is created. An EPP must be developed for any student who does not meet or exceed the Proficient level (a minimum scaled score of 240) on the grade 10 ELA and/or Mathematics tests.
Each EPP includes, at a minimum:
a review of the student’s strengths and weaknesses, based on MCAS and other assessment results, coursework, grades, and teacher input;
the courses the student will be required to take and successfully complete in grades 11 and 12; and
a description of the assessments the school will administer on a regular basis to determine whether the student is moving toward Proficiency.
For help passing the MCAS tests, contact Y3K Tutor In Your Home today! We have helped many students receive high scores on these tests.