No job is so simple that it cannot be done wrong.
Listen For the Truth
By listening, one will learn truths. By hearing, one will only learn half truths.
Best Special Needs After School Programs Award 2023
Our work tutoring special needs students was honored by the Boston Parents Paper. They presented us with the Family Favorite Special Needs After School Programs Top 5 Award. Thousands of parents voted for Y3K Tutor In Your Home in each of two separate rounds. We are flattered that all you families chose us as your favorite after school special needs leader. Thank you for the award!

Y3K Tutor In Your Home was honored with the Family Favorite Special Needs After School Programs Award 2023.
The owner of Y3K Tutor In Your Home has been a blessing to our family! A few years back I was having some behavioral issues with my son. Thanks to his help, the Y3K Tutor In Your Home website was a wealth of information and helped us to get through many rough patches. He is just a click away for whenever we need help.
I also have a nephew with ADHD, OCD, and other added issues. The owner is wonderful to work with especially during very intense moments. I would recommend Y3K Tutor In Your Home in a heartbeat! His wisdom, knowledge, patience, and follow up has brought much comfort to our family when we were truly feeling hopeless!
Stephanie T.
Sandy, UT
Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
Executive Function Success #3: Directions
Executive function students can be overwhelmed with multi-step directions. Be specific with directions and in as few words as possible.
Executive Function Success #2: “To Do” Lists
Make “To Do” lists. Students with executive function can use these lists to stay on task by focusing on what they have remaining to do and what has already been completed.
Executive Function Success #1: Schedules
Maintaining schedules usually helps students with executive functioning issues. These include separate daily schedules, weekly schedules and monthly schedules.
Listening well is as essential to conversation as talking well.
ADHD in Girls Overlooked
Many girls are overlooked for ADHD diagnosis and treatment. The reason is that even though they may struggle in school, they have good relationships with their peers and teachers like them. Many adult women are diagnosed only when they take their children to be evaluated and realize they may be suffering from ADHD too.
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