We take the students whose hopes were fading and give them the courage to look ahead.
Knowlege & Fear
The more you know, the less you fear.
Typing – Learning How to Type
QUESTION: Hi I just ran into your Y3K Tutor In Your Home page. I was looking for information on typing classes. By any chance could you help out? I would appreciate it.
Sarah G. – Wellesley, MA
ANSWER: Great ways to learn how to type are from the various educational typing software games on the market. These games teach typing to people of all ages while having fun at the same time.
Y3K Tutor In Your Home: Another Successful School Year
Congratulations to all of the Y3K Tutor In Your Home students and families for another successful school year! Your hard work paid off. Now as you begin to unwind, remember we will always be here for you from the time you need us to the time you do not need us anymore. As always you will never have to sign a contract. Enjoy your summer!
Y3K Tutor In Your Home’s 28 Day February Special
We are half way through Y3K Tutor In Your Home’s February Special of 28 LIFE-CHANGING POSTS IN 28 DAYS!! Thanks for your feedback so far. You still have time to choose the topics covered. Let us know.
College NCAA Ineligibility From High School Courses?
On average 10.5% of incoming college freshman are rejected each year for Division 1 sports because their high school courses they graduated with do not meet academic standards set by the NCAA. To be eligible to play Division 1 or Division 2 sports, incoming freshman must complete 14 to 16 NCAA approved core courses in high school, score a certain level in the SAT or ACT, and have kept up their grade point average. The NCAA approves most high school classes but does deem some ineligible. Their decision for each town varies.
Data from some local Massachusetts Y3K Tutor In Your Home towns is absolutely shocking. For example Wellesley High School in offers 26 classes, Newton North High School offers 28, Concord-Carlisle High School offers 30, and Newton South High School offers 30 classes that do not meet the association’s requirements for a core course. Lexington High School in Lexington MA is in a category all to itself with a whopping 78 ineligible courses. This data is especially surprising as all of the schools on this list are traditionally top ranked schools year after year.
ISEE Tutoring – Independent School Entrance Exam
Y3K Tutor In Your Home often receives calls to help students with various standardized test prep. Recently there has been an increased demand for ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) The test prep support we provide for the ISEE includes concepts in math, reading comprehension, and writing. Our tutoring helps students become familiar with the subject knowledge needed to be successful for the ISEE standardized test.
Be sure to contact us as soon as you know you would like our help before all the most convenient times get claimed by other families.
Wellesley Tutoring and ARL Collection Drive
Today Y3K Tutor In Your Home will be making Wellesley, MA in home pick-ups as part of our Animal Rescue League of Boston Collection Drive for their Dedham shelter. Look for us as stops will be on Washington St., Weston Rd. and Benvenue St. Wellesley MA. Of course you are always welcome to schedule a pick-up where you live even if you are not using our Wellesley tutoring or test prep services. Call 781-492-8700 to schedule an appointment.
Wellesley, MA Y3K Tutor In Your Home 10th Annual Collection Drive
Check your Wellesley Townsman newspaper over the next several weeks for information on Y3K Tutor In Your Home’s 10th Annual Animal Rescue League of Boston Collection Drive. Items collected will be delivered to their Dedham, MA shelter for abused and abandon animals waiting for adoption.
You can schedule a Wellesley pick-up or find out about our drop-off locations conveniently located in Needham and Natick. For questions or to set up an appointment call (781) 492-8700 or log on to www.Y3KTutorInYourHome.com or www.WellesleyTutor.com.
Wellesley Tutoring & Test Prep
Wellesley Parent Testimonial
“The owner has tutored my children for several months. His patience and time that he has spent was wonderful. He was flexible with the my hours and he was able to understand my needs. My kids’ math and English test scores went up after learning study skills and test prep. I would recommend Y3K Tutor In Your Home to my friends and their kids.”
-Theresa S.
(Wellesley, MA)
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