It was during a car ride in early 2003 that the idea was created to form a new type of educational resource for children. An educational resource that would allow students to succeed at any academic level and have them to grow to their maximum potential. The concept of one-on-one tutoring sessions with a highly qualified teacher done the right way, who reports directly to the parents. 100% honest and unfiltered, telling you exactly what your child needs to get to where you want them to be. All without bureaucratic superintendents, principals, supervisors, and directors getting in the way of your student’s success. The idea in 2003 was that none of these office workers with fancy titles would interfere with your student’s progress by censoring your tutor, ordering them what to say and what to do regardless if it was the best method or not. We created the concept of teaching students to their own unique learning styles, all while reporting directly to the parents.
The concept created in 2003 was that associating the words “education” and “fun” in the same sentence was possible. The idea that telling jokes and laughter goes hand in hand with educational success. No teaching to the middle. No leaving students behind. No allowing bored gifted students to coast along uninspired. Students that were previously ignored, forgotten, or falling through the cracks would now have an ally. This invention we proudly presented to the world for the first time in early 2003 was Y3K Tutor In Your Home.
Twenty years later we are still going strong. It is now our 20th anniversary we are celebrating this academic year. However, we are really celebrating you (the students and families) over the last 20 years for allowing us to continue pursuing our educational mission.