Attention all current Y3K Tutor In Your Home families. Emails were sent out yesterday for the upcoming 2022 – 2023 school year. Check your email inbox for our sign up form. Please let us know all the possible days and times that work for your student so we can give you first choice of times. Reserved times must be claimed by August 5, 2022. Beginning August 6, 2022 all remaining times will be opened up to new students.
Executive Function Success #1: Schedules
Maintaining schedules usually helps students with executive functioning issues. These include separate daily schedules, weekly schedules and monthly schedules.
Knowledge Is Priceless
Knowledge is priceless. Call Y3K Tutor In Your Home now to schedule for the upcoming school year.
New School Year Success Tip #1: Stop Over-Scheduling
As a society, we tend to feel obligated to fill every hour of our children’s days with activities. Physical and creative outlets such as sports, art, theater and music are something every child needs, however not at the expense of their education. If school is suffering due to lack of homework and study time because of outside activities, some activities should be cut. Education must be the priority.
Bad Report Card? What To Do #5: Check The Schedule
Bad Report Card? What To Do #5: Check The Schedule
Are the demands of an excessive extra-curricular schedule causing report card grades to be low? Sports, music, and theater are just a few examples of time consuming activities students may focus on more than their studies. Sometimes there is not enough time in the day to meet the demands of their activities and put in their best effort on their homework. As a parent, you have the responsibility of examining the extra-curricular schedule and modify it if necessary so they have the time needed to do their homework and study.
Immunization Schedule Safer Than Delaying Vaccinations?
Vaccination Myth: “Delaying vaccines is safer than following the standard immunization schedule.”
Some parents worry that giving too many vaccines at once can lead to developmental problems. Recently researchers compared kids who received their shots on time with kids whose parents spread them out. They found that those who followed delayed schedules fared the same or not as well on cognitive tests as those who followed the standard schedule. In addition by delaying vaccines, you are giving potentially serious infections a window of opportunity to take hold. Some diseases like tetanus don’t provide any natural immunity. The only way to protect yourself is to get vaccinated.
Scheduling For Private In Home Tutoring
Y3K Tutor In Your Home now scheduling in Brookline, Dover, Natick, Needham, Newton, Sudbury, Wayland, Wellesley and Weston MA. Tutoring times fill up fast.