We are proud to announce that Y3K Tutor In Your Home has donated tutoring and test preparation services to The Humane Society of the United States Auction For Animals. The auction will be held September 19 – 29. Your generous bids and support make a world of difference in the lives of animals all over the globe. Together, we are making an impact and creating a brighter future for all animals. For all those that place bids on the Y3K Tutor In Your Home tutoring and test preparation donation, we thank you for being a part of this journey with us!
Happy 20th Anniversary!
This 2023-2024 school year is very special for Y3K Tutor In Your Home as it is our 20th school year in business. It is said that if a business can last two years, then they really have something to offer. With 20 years in business, we know for sure that we have made it. However it is really the students and families that we have helped succeed and grow on their learning journey that are the reason we have made it. All of the hard working children we have served over the past 20 years has allowed Y3K Tutor In Your Home to be so successful as an organization and number one rated educational resource.
Top 5 Math Programs Award – Y3K Tutor In Your Home
Y3K Tutor In Your Home recently won the 2021 Top 5 Math Programs Award by the Boston Parents Paper and featured in the 2021 Boston Parents Paper Family Favorites issue. A big thank you goes out to the thousands of people throughout Greater Boston and the Northeast that voted for us.
This year the voting for Boston’s Family Favorite Math Programs was in two-rounds. The first round was in March 2021 with open write-in nominations for favorite Math Programs. The second round began with the top nominee Math Programs being listed in this final round of voting during April 2021. Write-in nominations were no longer available, and voters selected their favorite Math Programs from those that advanced from round one. We are flattered that thousands of voters wrote Y3K Tutor In Your Home in round one and then chose us again in round two.

FAMILY FAVORITE MATH PROGRAMS 2021 – Y3K Tutor In Your Home was again named Top 5 Math Programs by thousands of Boston Parents Paper readers in two rounds of voting.
We Will Tutor
We will tutor in a room.
We will tutor now on Zoom.
We will tutor in your house.
We will tutor with a mouse.
We will tutor here and there.
We will tutor because we care.
The coronavirus caused school closures which forced the cancellation of spring SAT testing for about 1 million first-time test-takers, planning to enter college in 2021. The June 6, 2020 test session is the latest to be canceled. Just when you thought the SAT and all the stress and undue pressure it causes students was put to an end, the SAT people have come up with a way to stay alive.
The company that runs the SAT is working on a back up plan for future testing dates. A home version of the SAT college entrance exam is being prepared in case schools remain closed into the fall. Instead of a paper and pencil test given under proctors’ supervision, the home version would be digital and rely on “remote proctoring.” That could include using the computer’s camera and microphone to monitor movement or talking. It will remain to be seen if this method could work without the possibility of mass cheating.
SAT & ACT Not Required
High school students rejoice. Due to the coronavirus, a growing number of universities are now dropping the SAT and ACT requirement for fall 2021 admissions, including Boston University and University of California. Currently the list is about 51 universities and colleges that have removed the ACT/SAT requirement for the fall of 2021 and some are even extending the ban through the spring of 2022.
Breaking News: SAT Canceled
Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the College Board has announced that the SAT and SAT subject tests are canceled until further notice. Makeup exams for the March 14, 2020 testing date that was then postponed until March 28, 2020 are now officially canceled. They have also canceled May 2, 2020 and June 6, 2020 testing sessions. Also eliminated are makeup tests for the originally scheduled March 25, 2020 SAT School Day administration and SAT School Day sessions on April 14, 2020 and April 28, 2020. PSAT sessions scheduled for April are canceled and will not take place this spring at all.
Students who already registered for May, whose March test centers were closed, or who do not receive March scores because of any irregularities will receive refunds. In May, students registered for June can transfer their registration to one of the fall SAT administrations for free. Students who want to cancel their SAT registration instead can get a refund by contacting their customer service.
Tutoring Fuel
Y3K Tutor In Your Home tutoring and test prep: The fuel that allows common students to attain uncommon results.
Y3K Tutor In Your Home’s Test Taking Strategies #11: Timed Test – First Do The Easy Ones
Y3K Tutor In Your Home’s Test Taking Strategies #11: Timed Test – First Do The Easy Ones
Some students go in sequential order of the test and get caught up on a question. They spend extra time on that one question and then run out of time. They end up not answering the last few questions due to lack of time. Not anymore!
The trick to defeating a timed test is to work out of order. Answer the easy questions you know. Skip the hard questions or questions that will take a long time to answer. Then after you have answered all the questions you can, go back and spend the rest of your time on the challenging ones. This way a student will earn a higher test score for answering more correct answers.
Y3K Tutor In Your Home’s Test Taking Strategies #8: Key Words
Y3K Tutor In Your Home’s Test Taking Strategies #8: Key Words
When reading over a question, recognize the key words that will lead you to the right answer. These key words include “except”, “compare”, “contrast”, “author’s intent”, “predict”, etc.
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