Y3K Tutor In Your Home is flattered to be presented the Top 5 Health and Special Needs Summer Camps Award in a recent edition of the Boston Parents Paper. Thank you to the thousands of voters who recognized our summer program for a Family Favorite Reader’s Choice Award. This is the second year in a row that you chose us as your summer favorite. Although it now seems far off, we are committed to working hard to earn your votes again this upcoming summer.
Welcome Back and Welcome Aboard
Thank you to all of the families that chose to work with us over the summer. You all had specific goals and they were all attained. Mission accomplished!
All of us here at Y3K Tutor In Your Home hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer. A wise man once said that summers run and winters walk. Now we must look forward. On to the 2024-2025 school year! Welcome back to all returning students. We look forward to continuing our learning journey together. And to all new students just starting their learning adventure with us, we say welcome aboard. We will have plenty of success this year together and a lot of fun while doing so.
Summer Tutoring – Best Health and Special Needs Summer Camps Award 2023
Y3K Tutor In Your Home was given a special award recognizing our outstanding commitment to summer tutoring. We were chosen by the readers of the Boston Parents Paper for the Family Favorite Health and Special Needs Summer Camps Top 5 Award 2023. Thank you to the thousands of parents who took the time to select Y3K Tutor In Your Home as your favorite summer tutoring program. We will earn your vote again this coming summer of 2024.
Summer Tutoring Reservations
Now is the time to reserve your summer tutoring hours. Times are limited and going fast. Don’t be shut out. Call now to reserve your summer tutoring times before they are all gone.
Summer Camp in the Middle of COVID-19 Pandemic
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recently released summer camp guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Besides good hygiene and testing for COVID -19 symptoms each day, they offer suggestions to camps for how the camp day should be structured. The CDC says that camps should encourage social distancing through increased spacing, maintain small groups, and limited mixing between groups. They also recommend staggered scheduling, arrival, and drop off. Summer camps are to also adjust activities and procedures to limit sharing of items such as toys, belongings, supplies, and equipment. Do you think camps should be open this summer using these guidelines? Will they be successful in stopping the spread of COVID-19 or do you think it is too risky to send children to summer camp this year?
New CDC Summer Camp Guidelines
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have just released their new guidelines for camp directors pertaining to children attending summer camp during the COVID-19 pandemic. These guidelines are to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The camps are to be responsible for germ prevention. They are to promote healthy hygiene practices such as hand washing and employees are to wear a face mask. Summer camps are to intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation of facilities and buses. Additionally, summer camps are to take temperatures of staff and campers and follow state and local orders.
What will the camp day be like for children during the COVID-19 pandemic? What strategies will they use to keep everyone safe throughout the day? Check back here for the new CDC summer camp guidelines to be followed during the camp day.
Minutes & Money
Minutes are worth more than money. Spend them wisely. Enjoy your summer!
Time to Relax
Take time to relax especially when you don’t have time for it.
Catch Up, Start Strong
Catch up this summer. Start the new school year strong. Summer tutoring with Y3K Tutor In Your Home is the solution.
Summer Tutoring is the Answer
Don’t lose the previous 10 months worth of gains. Y3K Tutor In Your Home summer tutoring is the answer.
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