Depression in children and teens is a major problem that is hardly discussed. People are often too embarrassed to talk about it and sometimes in denial. If depression in children and teens is left untreated, it can lead to long-term educational issues, relationship problems, substance abuse and suicide.
Teen Driving & Bicyclists
Teach your teen drivers that children on bikes are often inexperienced, unsteady and unpredictable. One must slow down and allow at least 3 feet of passing distance between your car and a bicyclist.
How Much Sleep Is Needed Each Night?
Elementary age children need 10 – 11 hours of sleep per night and teens need 8.5 – 9.25 hours to optimize learning. Lack of sleep can affect your child’s ability to process, learn and retrieve information.
Suicide & Adolescents
The second leading cause of death among adolescents in the United States according to a 2012 study is suicide. Nearly 16% of adolescents in the United States reported seriously considering suicide in a 2011 study. Suicidal thinking is a symptom of depression. If you suspect your child may be suffering from depression, seek out help right away.
Biology Class Dissection Anxiety
As students return to biology classes, many feel anxiety over being forced to dissect animals. If this is an issue for your child, we suggest the following:
1. See if your state protects your right to choose alternatives.
2. After finding out about their rights to opt-out of dissections, have your student talk with their teacher about the curriculum during the first few weeks of school. Have them ask the teacher about any planned dissection labs and if they will use animals and/or offer alternatives.
3. If they do want to opt-out, now is the best time to let teachers know that they will be choosing dissection alternatives so the teacher will have the opportunity to plan accordingly.
Dads & Daughters
Research shows that girls delay the onset of sexual activity if they have a close relationship with their father.
Shame In Failure?
If you tried your best, there is no shame in failure . . . only in quitting.
Your Place In This World
To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world.
How To Unspoil A Child
To unspoil a child, they need to learn how to earn the items they want to have. Children need to feel a connect between work and money. One way to teach them this is to pay commissions and not allowances. Therefore they will earn money towards items they want for doing chores and tasks. They will learn that if they work, they will get paid. If they do not work, then they will not get paid. That is the rule for parents in the real world, so it might as well be for kids too.
Natick Little League Auction
This coming Saturday, Natick Little League will hold its annual auction. If you plan on attending, make sure you look for the Y3K Tutor In Your Home tutoring and test prep auction donation. The funds raised will be used to help defray the cost of equipment, uniforms, hats, T-shirts, bats, balls and fields for this year’s Natick youth softball and baseball programs. Over 1,300 Natick children from the age of 6 to 18 will participate on 110 teams and play on 15 fields throughout Natick. Y3K Tutor In Your Home encourages you to bid generously to help the children of Natick, MA have another successful year of youth softball and baseball.