Y3K Tutor In Your Home was recently honored with the 2020 Top 5 Math Programs Award by the Boston Parents Paper and published in the 2020 Boston Parents Paper Family Favorites issue. We want to say thank you to the thousands of people in Greater Boston and throughout the Northeast that voted for us.
The voting for Boston’s Family Favorite Math Programs was conducted in a two-round process. The first round occurred March 2020 with open write-in nominations for parent’s favorite Math Programs taking place. As more and more nominations came in, the most written-in Math Programs became automatically selectable and listed making it easier and easier for people to cast their nominations. Write-in nominations continued to be open until the end of the month.
As the nomination period for Math Programs in the first round came to a close at the end of March, shortly after, the second round opened with the top nominee Math Programs being selectable in this final round of voting during April 2020. Write-in nominations were no longer available, and voters selected their favorite Math Programs from among those that were listed that advanced from round one. Y3K Tutor In Your Home is flattered that thousands of voters wrote us in during round one and then continued their support by choosing us in round two.

FAMILY FAVORITE MATH PROGRAMS 2020 – Y3K Tutor In Your Home was named Top 5 Math Programs by thousands of Boston Parents Paper readers in two rounds of voting.