HOW TO MAKE KIDS WANT TO READ #10: Read Aloud / Read Together
Take some time and read aloud with your child. It is a great way to spend some quality time together and creates excitement about reading.
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HOW TO MAKE KIDS WANT TO READ #10: Read Aloud / Read Together
Take some time and read aloud with your child. It is a great way to spend some quality time together and creates excitement about reading.
By Y3K
If your child absolutely hates reading and wants nothing to do with a book, talk to the children’s room librarian at your local library. They will know of the most popular books and will give you lots of suggestions. They will know all of the “cool” books that kids can not get enough of as well as books designed for students reading below grade level.
By Y3K
Have your child choose books that they can read successfully on their own. Don’t let your child choose what they would like to read if it is way above their reading level. They will end up skipping over words or sections and not comprehend what they are reading. They will eventually give up and use this as a reason to support their opinion that reading is boring. If books are chosen that they struggle to read, they will lose interest in reading altogether.
By Y3K
Do your kids hate reading? One question we are always asked is, “How do I make my child enjoy reading?” There are many ways you can make reading fun and exciting for your children. Over the next couple of weeks we will look at simple tricks you can do to make reading enjoyable. Check back soon!
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Once again Y3K Tutor In Your Home has donated our tutoring and test prep as a raffle prize to a very worth cause. The Purr-fect Cat Shelter of Medway, MA is holding it’s annual Fur Bowl and we hope to help them raise a lot of money this year to help the poor cats waiting to be adopted. Please attend this important fundraiser and good luck in the raffle!
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The easiest way to learn information is to ask questions and listen carefully to the answer. The best students are not shy. Teach your children to ask as many questions as necessary until they understand. Let one question lead to the next. Stress the importance of asking the teacher, another student, their parents, or an experienced Y3K Tutor In Your Home tutor. Questions are stepping-stones to self-improvement and good grades. Truth fears no question.
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Bad Report Card? What To Do #8: Ask Questions
Sometimes a student tries their best but still receives a poor grade on their report card. Some questions to ask are:
Is the class too large for your student to get the individualized attention they may require?
Could the time of day of the class have an effect on your student? (For example: early morning, before lunch, or after gym)
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Bad Report Card? What To Do #7: Put In Perspective
As a parent it is human nature to say, “The grades on last year’s report card were higher. This year’s report card is lower so there must be a problem with my child.” This rationale is not always accurate. Lower grades could be a sign of a major academic adjustment where students can learn to adapt to over time. This is a new school year and the challenges have become greater than last year. The concepts, expectations and demands have increased. Also your student has different teachers with different methods and expectations.
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Bad Report Card? What To Do #6: Don’t Wait
Some skills taught previously are like a foundation that the rest of the school year is built upon. Often teachers assume certain math, writing, or reading skills already covered are known and move forward. If those skills are not learned, some students may get buried. Getting extra help or a tutor may be able to catch up your student before they fall even further behind.
By Y3K
Bad Report Card? What To Do #3: See The Teacher
Often there are a lot of different components that go into calculating a grade. A simple letter grade on a report card may not provide a clear picture. Your child’s teacher can give you an explanation as to what components specifically may have lowered the grade. The teacher will help you identify what areas in that subject matter require additional support. Then you can decide if the extra support will come from you, the teacher, or a Y3K Tutor In Your Home tutor.
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