We are proud to announce that Y3K Tutor In Your Home has donated tutoring and test preparation services to The Humane Society of the United States Auction For Animals. The auction will be held September 19 – 29. Your generous bids and support make a world of difference in the lives of animals all over the globe. Together, we are making an impact and creating a brighter future for all animals. For all those that place bids on the Y3K Tutor In Your Home tutoring and test preparation donation, we thank you for being a part of this journey with us!
Best Math Programs Award 2023
The Family Favorite Math Programs Top 5 Award was given to Y3K Tutor In Your Home recently by the Boston Parents Paper. It is sincerely an honor that you singled out Y3K Tutor In Your Home as best math tutoring. This year marks the fifth year overall and fourth year in a row that we have won this award. We thank the thousands of voters that chose us throughout two rounds of voting over several months.
We will continue to help students that are behind in math along with move students ahead in math. We will do everything possible to earn your vote for this prestigious math award next year.

Y3K Tutor In Your Home was honored with the Family Favorite Math Programs Top 5 Award 2023.
Independence Day
This Independence Day, join us as we salute our Nation and the courageous men and women who protect us at home and abroad every day. While we enjoy this day, remember those who make our way of life possible.
Incomplete – Online Schooling
School districts throughout the United States are dealing with two online schooling problems that have them frustrated. The first problem involves students not completing their work. They either don’t take their online assignments seriously, don’t have the one-on-one support at home to help them, or find independent computer lessons distracting. One fix to this problem some schools have been doing is to consider the March – June 2020 semester to be graded as pass/fail only. That way report cards won’t show a major drop in grades from third term to fourth term. What do you think about this solution?
Check back here for the much larger problem that has school systems scrambling for answers.
New CDC Summer Camp Guidelines
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have just released their new guidelines for camp directors pertaining to children attending summer camp during the COVID-19 pandemic. These guidelines are to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The camps are to be responsible for germ prevention. They are to promote healthy hygiene practices such as hand washing and employees are to wear a face mask. Summer camps are to intensify cleaning, disinfection, and ventilation of facilities and buses. Additionally, summer camps are to take temperatures of staff and campers and follow state and local orders.
What will the camp day be like for children during the COVID-19 pandemic? What strategies will they use to keep everyone safe throughout the day? Check back here for the new CDC summer camp guidelines to be followed during the camp day.
Coronavirus – Limit Your Information Intake
If you watch a news channel, you will notice that every 30 minutes you will see “Breaking News” that looks and sounds just like the “Breaking News” from 30 minutes before. Listening to the same type of hype over and over is not helpful. It will only cause fear and hysteria. They are only reporting the bad while ignoring the good to fit their narrative. Similarly watching the stock market hysteria is not helpful. The market will go up and it will go down. Instead of watching 24 hours a day of panic, you need to go on with your life.
In 1940, England was being bombed 57 consecutive nights by Nazi Germany. Every night the Brits waited for the air raid sirens. Each night they hid in fear. Then the next morning came and sun rose out into the sky. After a morning damage assessment, they went on with their lives.
It makes it a lot easier to go on with your life when you surround yourself with positive people. We all know people who look at the glass as half empty instead of half full. Now is not the time to get dragged into their anxiety. Social distancing may the perfect antidote to remain positive and filter out the negativity. If you see these “the sky is falling” people on TV, turn the channel. Too many fake news commentators now predict the end of the world and the permanent collapse of the stock markets. They have been wrong at least since 1940 England. They remain wrong today.
Important Update For Y3K Tutor In Your Home Families
Dear Y3K Tutor In Your Home Families,
As the world and our country come together to manage through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, We hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe.
In recent weeks, we have all needed to take extreme steps for the health and well-being of our shared communities. Our hearts are with those diagnosed with the virus, and our deepest gratitude goes out to the heroes of this moment, including the doctors, nurses, health care professionals and everyone on the front line across the country who are displaying incredible bravery to support the greater good. They set an inspiring example for all of us.
At Y3K Tutor In Your Home we remain committed to the national efforts in slowing the spread of the virus. We have decided to extend our temporary in-home closures, until further notice, for the health and safety of our tutors and students. While our in-home tutoring is suspended, we continue to serve the many of families who we tutor through Zoom, FaceTime, Skype and WhatsApp, 8:00 AM – 11:00 PM seven days a week, directly in your home.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will reopen in your home as soon as it is safe to do so, based on the guidance of experts, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Y3K Tutor In Your Home looks forward to you welcoming us back into your house when deemed safe to do so. We will continue to provide updates, including news of resuming in-home schedules, at Y3KTutorInYourHome.com/blog.
We want to personally thank all of our students for their willingness to adapt to the changing world around them, while preventing an educational slide during their time off from in-person learning. Also we want to thank all of our tutors that have shown incredible agility and dedication to our students.
It is fair to say that these past weeks have been among the most daunting and extraordinary that we have experienced in our lifetime. We are being tested in ways far beyond what we could have ever imagined, and yet we are also coming together with renewed purpose. All of us are finding greater strength and resilience from each other. Thank you for being a loyal Y3K Tutor In Your Home customer. At Y3K Tutor In Your Home, serving your family is our highest purpose. We look forward to seeing you back in person soon.
Please be safe and take care of yourself and your family.
With gratitude,
Y3K Tutor In Your Home
Coronavirus – Effective Leadership
One way the British were able to survive the bombing of England by the Nazis was because of effective leadership. There is perhaps no greater leader in the 20th century than Winston Churchill. He remained calm. He inspired through frequent communications. He listened to his people. He reacted to meet their needs. He also surrounded himself with the best and brightest, working in tandem to break codes, develop the right weapons (medicine), solve daily challenges, and draw upon resources.
President Donald Trump is doing the same effective leadership. He is remaining calm. He inspires the United States and the world through frequent communications. He is listening to his people and reacting to meet their needs. He also is surrounding himself with the best and brightest, working in tandem to break codes, develop the right medical weapons, solving daily challenges, and drawing upon resources. England survived the Nazi bombings and the United States of America will survive coronavirus.
Coronavirus Meets World War II
There are times in modern history where nations came together in such a dramatic and unexpected way as to defeat an enemy of unknown strength and veracity. Today we face such an enemy in the coronavirus. We do not know how pervasive it is. We do not know how long it will last. We do not know how lasting the after effects will be. Our society is on edge, perhaps even upside down. Individuals are scared and facing personal crises surrounding their health, loved ones, and even toilet paper.
As we think about our current situation, it is helpful to think of other examples where nations came together to overcome unknown and seemingly insurmountable odds. During World War II there were air raids on Britain, specifically the London Blitz. For 57 consecutive nights Nazi Germany bombed London. Every night was marked with explosions, destruction and frequently death.
Civilians were murdered by an invisible enemy in their own homes during the night. There was a shortage of hospital beds and medicine. There were food and water shortages. Schools were closed. Stores and markets were destroyed. Factories were destroyed. People sheltered at home and underground. Fear gripped a nation in a way that had never before been seen in the world. Think about it . . . 57 nights in a row.
While there is clearly a difference between where we are today and a World War, we are only 15 – 20 days into our fight with an invisible enemy.
In the end, Britain prevailed. We will too.
Coronavirus Social Distancing
Now that schools are closed and a number of employees are working from home amid the coronavirus outbreak, people need to practice the concept of social distancing. It is the only thing that is going to immediately address the situation that we’re experiencing here in the United States. Y3K Tutor In Your Home asks all families to help flatten the curve. This means to spread out the impact of the virus over time instead of allowing it to spike as we’ve seen in Italy, for example, where the number of confirmed cases increased rapidly. A spike could overwhelm our health care system, even here in the United States.
Unfortunately there can be no play dates for your children, because you don’t know what the other child has been exposed to and might be bringing into your house, where it could be passed on. Avoid large public gatherings or venues where many people congregate such as malls. Social distancing is a way to protect yourself from contagious diseases, including the flu, the common cold or coronavirus (COVID-19). It involves maintaining at least a six-foot distance from other people, getting away from anyone who’s coughing or sneezing, avoiding shaking hands and using technology to meet instead of meeting in person when possible. As a nation we can work together and get it done!
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